12 Palfrey Notes, Aug 2021
2021.06.01 - Nat Tuck - ~2 Minutes
12 Palfrey St Notes, 2021 Aug 29
- Electric is Eversource: https://www.eversource.com
- Natural Gas is National Grid: https://online.nationalgridus.com
Solar System
As part of the lease agreement for the solar panels on the roof, the monitoring system needs to stay connected to the internet. Specifically, the SolarCity box needs to stay plugged into an internet-connected ethernet port.
In the picture below there are two cables plugged into the SolarCity box (the one that says “SolarCity” on it). The black cable is power, which it needs. The white cable is Ethernet, which wants to be connected to an ethernet port with internet connectivity.
Currently, it’s hooked up to the switch (black box in the picture) which is hooked to a router, which is hooked up to the Verizon FiOS fiber optic line. If the router is swapped out, the new one can go in the same place or - once the current router is unplugged - an ethernet cable could be run from a new router to any of the ethernet ports in the house.
When opening the Electric account with Eversource, tenant will need to explicitly tell an Eversource rep that the house has solar and that they want net metering, and then go through whatever the steps are to get that set up.
The house is wired for hardwired ethernet. This involves a network switch in the basement and ethernet ports in most of the rooms. Since Verizon FIOS comes into the basement, there’s a wireless access point in the living room to provide strong wireless signal to the house.
The Wifi password for the access point is on the card next to it.
Master Bedroom Light Switch
The switch for the overhead light and fan in the master bedroom is wireless.
Stuff left in the house
The following movable objects are in the house:
- TV + Sound Stuff
- Outdoor Deck Table + Parasol + Bench + Chairs
- Sturdy Shelving in the Basement
- Electric car charger
- Washer and Dryer
These go with the house and shouldn’t get thrown out.